North Celtic Sea
We are facing a global climate emergency. The human, environmental and economic costs of global warming will be felt in all countries and most acutely in coastal communities. We must act now to harness the power of nature and tackle the climate crisis.
Ireland’s Climate Action Plan aims to reduce carbon emissions by 51% and to generate 80% of electricity from renewable sources by 2030. At least 7GW of electricity will come from offshore wind, providing the clean, affordable, and reliable energy that our communities and businesses need.
A draft DMAP was published by the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications which identified four sites off the coast of Waterford as part of the next round of offshore wind development known as ORESS 2.1. A final DMAP is due to be published this year. The North Celtic Sea site closely aligns with the draft DMAP Site A, Tonn Nua due to the environmental suitability of the site. Energia Group and Vårgrønn are now preparing a bid as part of the upcoming ORESS 2.1 auction. The winning bidder of this auction will then go on to apply for a Maritime Area of Consent and onto planning with An Bord Pleanala.
Components of an offshore Windfarm

Project Timeline
Foreshore Licence
Environmental Surveys
Stakeholder Engagement &
Fisheries Liaison Officers Appointed
Ongoing Environmental
Ongoing Stakeholder
Environmental Surveys Commence
Public Consultation 1:
Surveys and site investigations
On-going stakeholder engagement
Completion of preliminary
seabed surveys
Public Consultation 2:
EIA Scoping Report
Public Consultation 3:
DMAP process finalised
ORESS 2.1 bid preparation
MAC application
Commercial Operation Date (COD)*

*Depending on grid connection timeline