Climate Change
We are facing a global climate emergency and must act now to harness the power of nature to address climate change.
Ireland’s Climate Action Plan includes a target of reducing carbon emissions by 51% over the period to 2030 with 70% of our electricity coming from renewable sources.
Ireland has a positive opportunity when it comes to offshore renewable energy. Favourable wind speeds and sea conditions provide an ideal environment for generating green electricity offshore. Offshore renewable energy is needed to decarbonise our energy supply and reduce greenhouse gas emissions – protecting our environment for current and future generations.

Environmental Assessment
Energia Renewables has published a key environmental report for the North Celtic Sea project. The EIA Scoping Report describes the key components of the North Celtic Sea project and the methods that will be used to gather and assess data to inform the environmental assessment. The scoping report also identifies the potential effects of the project on the surrounding onshore and offshore environment, all of which will be assessed by qualified experts.
Energia Renewables achieved another major milestone in late 2022 with the successful completion of seabed surveys off the coast of Co. Waterford – making the North Celtic Sea project one of the most advanced projects planned for Irish waters.
The project team is continuing to conduct ongoing onshore and offshore environmental surveys including seabird and marine mammal surveys, with further ecology and hydrographic studies. The information from these studies will help inform the design of the wind farm, its location, size, and connection to the electricity grid which will form part of the planning application process if successful in the upcoming ORESS 2.1 grid auction. Further consultations will take place as the project progresses to the planning stage and beyond.